Py++11 package

What is Py++11?

Py++11 is an object-oriented framework for creating a code generator for the pybind11 library and the ctypes package.

Py++11 uses a few different programming paradigms to help you expose C++ declarations in Python. This code generator will guide you through the whole process, raising warnings in the case you are doing something wrong, with a link to the explanation. And the most importantly: it will save you time. You will not have to update the code generator script every time the source code is changed.

Code generation process

The code generation process consists of a few steps. The following paragraphs will tell you more about each step.

“read declarations”

Py++11 does not reinvent the wheel. It uses GCC C++ compiler to parse C++ source files. To be more precise, the tool chain looks like this:

  1. Source code is passed to GCC-XML
  2. GCC-XML passes it to GCC C++ compiler

3. GCC-XML generates an XML description of the C++ program from GCC’s internal representation.

4. Py++11 uses pygccxml package to read the GCC-XML generated file.

The bottom line - you can be sure that all your declarations are read correctly.

“build module”

Only very small and simple projects can be exported as is. Most of the projects still require human invocation. Basically there are 2 questions that you should answer:

  1. Which declarations should be exported?
  2. How this specific declaration should be exported? Or, if I change the question a little, what code should be written in order for me to get access from Python to that functionality?

Of course, Py++11 cannot answer those question, but it provides as much help as it can.

How can Py++11 help you with the first question? Py++11 provides very a powerful and simple query interface. For example, in one line of code you can select all free functions that have two arguments, where the first argument has type int & and the type of the second argument is of any type:

mb = module_builder_t( ... ) # module_builder_t is the main class that
                             # will help you with code generation process
mb.free_functions( arg_types=[ 'int &', None ] )

Another example - the developer wants to exclude all protected functions from being exported:

mb = module_builder_t( ... )
mb.calldefs( access_type_matcher_t( 'protected' ) ).exclude()

The developer can create custom criteria, for example exclude all declarations with an ‘impl’ ( implementation ) string within the name:

mb = module_builder_t( ... )
mb.decls( lambda decl: 'impl' in ).exclude()

Note the way the queries were built. You can think about those queries as the rules, which will continue to work even after exported C++ code was changed. It means that you don’t have to change the code generator source code every time.

So far, so good. What about the second question? Well, by default Py++11 generates code that will satisfy almost all developers. Py++11 could be configured in many ways to satisfy your needs. But sometimes this is still not enough. There are use cases when you need full control over the generated code. One of the biggest problems with code generators in general is modifying generated code and preserving changes. How many code generators did you use or know that allow you to put your code anywhere or to reorder generated code as you wish? Py++11 allows you to do that.

Py++11 introduces new concepts: code creator and code creator tree. You can think about the code creator tree as some kind of AST. The only difference is that code creator trees provide more specific functionality. For example include_t code creator is responsible to create C++ include directive code. You have full control over the code creator tree, before it is written to disc. Here is an UML diagram of almost all code creators: class diagram.

At the end of this step you have the code creator tree, which is ready to be written to disc.

“write code to files”

During this step Py++11 reads the code creator tree and writes the code to disc. The code generation process result should not be different from the one a human would have created. For small projects, writing all code into single file is a good approach, however, for big ones the code should be splitted into multiple files. Py++11 implements both strategies.

Features list

  • Py++11 will supports almost all features found in pybind11 library. It currently generates Boost.Python code.

  • You can develop extension modules simultaneously using Py++11, especially when they share code.

  • Py++11 generates code, which will help you:

    • understand compiler generated error messages
    • minimize project built time
  • Py++11 has a couple of modes of writing code into files:

    • single file
    • multiple files
    • fixed set of multiple files
    • multiple files, where single class code is split to few files
  • You have full control over generated code. Your code could be inserted almost anywhere.

  • Your license is written at the top of every generated file.

  • Py++11 will check the “completeness” of the bindings. It will check for you that the exposed declarations don’t have references to unexposed ones.

  • Py++11 provides enough functionality to extract source code documentation and write it as Python documentation string.

  • Py++11 provides a simple and powerful framework to create a wrapper for functions, which could not be exposed “as is” to Python.

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